TSA Technical Series: Stormwater Management
Stormwater management is a critical component of any project, essential to minimizing flooding, protecting water quality, and the sustainable development of communities. In Toronto and Ontario, the design of stormwater management systems is based on a set of principles and guidelines aimed at effectively managing stormwater runoff, while minimizing its impact on the environment and public safety. This has become even more critical as our province faces growing pressures from rapid urbanization, increased intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall events, as well as aging infrastructure—all which make stormwater management more challenging. As the field evolves and best practices change over time, close collaboration between designers, engineers, and architects is essential for developing effective stormwater management solutions that will meet our growing needs.
Join us at this upcoming virtual lecture where Farzad Fahimi of LEA Consulting Ltd. will give us an overview of stormwater management design in Ontario, as well as recent challenges and the latest research, technologies, and solutions. This lecture will walk us through stormwater management design fundamentals and Ontario’s adapting stormwater practices, including Low-Impact Development (LID), Green Infrastructure (GI), and improved stormwater management regulations.
TSA MEMBERS: This event is free for TSA members using the discount code found in the TSA Bulletin and on your Member Dashboard! Not a member yet? Membership is open to everyone and you can join here (student memberships are free!).
OAA MEMBERS: This lecture is eligible for 1 OAA Structured Learning Hour and meets the new OAA educational requirements related to Climate Action. When registering, please include your full name as registered with the OAA to ensure your certificate of participation is credited properly. Please also include an email address you check frequently to ensure you receive our certificate in a timely manner.
When Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
Where Online via Zoom
Cost $15+HST General Admission, FREE for TSA Members!
CEUs 1 Structured Learning Hour