Portrait of Alissa North
    Book Cover
Portrait of Alissa North
Book Cover

Book Launch—Innate Terrain: Canadian Landscape Architecture

Join editor Alissa North of the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design as she discusses her new book Innate Terrain: Canadian Landscape Architecture, a collection of papers written by Canadian scholars and practitioners in the field of landscape architecture. Concerned with the practice and theories of landscape architecture in Canada, the book documents the breadth of contemporary practice from across the country, with each chapter author using works of landscape architecture to theorize a distinct approach practiced by Canadians in their national context. The book’s central argument is that Canadian landscape architecture is distinct because of the unique qualities of the Canadian terrain and the particular relationship that Canadians have with the landscapes of our nation.



The following chapter authors will be speaking at the event

Ron Williams
Jamie Reford
Grant Fahlgren
Adrian Sun Hall
James Thomas
Chris Grosset
Matthew Brown
Stéphane LeBlanc
Andrea Mantin
Marc Hallé
Yannick Roberge
Fadi Masoud
Michael Ormston-Holloway
Sandra Cooke
Alissa North

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When February 9, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Where John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design 1 Spadina Crescent DA170 (Main Hall)
