
Ana-Francisca de la Mora
Ana-Francisca de la Mora

Ana-Francisca is a licensed architect in both Ontario and México and the Director, Office Lead at IBI Group’s Markham Office. Her work is characterized by its innovative, high quality architectural design with a deep commitment to making healthy places that are accessible and inclusive. Over the last 10 years, her work has focused on large scale transit stations and Transit Oriented Development  in Canada, Latin America and the Middle East. Some of her work in Toronto includes Finch West Station, ECLRT Keelesdale Station and currently the Yonge North Subway expansion.  

Ana-Francisca has been involved with the TSA since 2008, and has served on the TSA Executive since 2017. Wanting to ensure the TSA is welcoming to all, Ana-Francisca was instrumental in launching our first initiatives directed towards internationally trained architectural professions and continues to co-lead our signature networking event TSA CONNECT. In addition to this programming, she also currently co-leads our technical lectures.

People Gallery
Ana-Francisca de la Mora
Great cities are nurtured by rich discussions and public engagement. The TSA provides an inclusive place to talk about architecture and inspire the work we do in architecture and more.
People Gallery