The City of Toronto Archives possess 1.65 linear meters of historical records accumulated by the Toronto Society of Architects over its 128 year history. These historical records date from the founding years of the TSA, having been maintained by the TSA’s executive secretaries, and include a variety of administrative documents such as agendas, minutes of meetings, financial and membership records, and correspondences documents. The records also contain materials on the TSA’s special initiatives such as the Phantom of The Opera Competition (1988), the Toronto Waterfront Ideas Competition (2000), and the Green Line Ideas Competition (2013). Having been collected and turned over to the Toronto Archives in 2014, the TSA archives are filed chronologically in 13 archival filing boxes. These textual records consist of bound books and loose sheets of paper which are either handwritten in ink and pencil or typed. The boxes include:
Series 1240 – Toronto Society of Architects Minutes of Meetings, 1896-1992. Boxes 410857 and 410858.
These minutes recorded by executive secretaries document committee meetings, annual meetings and other regular monthly meetings. Topics discussed in these meetings included memberships, joint meetings with other professional associations, special exhibitions, architectural competitions, architectural awards, urban design matters, financial and administrative matters, activities of the TSA chairmen, and issues and projects related to the Urban Action Committee and Activates Committee.
Series 1244 – Toronto Society of Architects Correspondence and General Office Files, 1936-1992 and Predominant, 1987-1992. Boxes 410858, 410859, 410860, and 410861.
This series of records is composed of incoming and outgoing correspondence documents with the general office. Correspondences are between the OAA, Toronto City Council, various city departments, and related professional organisations. Subjects pertaining to these correspondences include Toronto urban design issues, the organisation of meetings, support of architectural education programs in Toronto, exhibition plans and expenses, and membership issues. These records also include bylaws, lists of architects and firms, timesheets, awards, notes on special exhibits, and records of elections and reports created by the committee members.
Series 1245 – Toronto Society of Architects Urban Action Committee Records, 1970-1978. Boxes 410861 and 410862.
This series of records was completely created by the Urban Action Committee of the TSA and includes the most recent records from 1970-1978. This series is composed of correspondence documents, reports, minutes of meetings, meeting agendas, and submissions and proposals to the Ontario Municipal Board.
Series 1246 – Toronto Society of Architects Subject Files and Accounts, 1971-1982. Boxes 410863, 410864, 410865, 410866 and 410867.
Created by executive secretaries of the TSA this series consists of memberships, elections of the executive committee, exhibits, awards, and architectural competitions, contacts with art and heritage institutions, public relations, and social activities of the TSA. Also contained therein are the financial records of paid membership invoices, cheques, budget reports, and general financial statements.
All information from the Toronto Archives.
History Gallery