In 1890, the University of Toronto became the first Canadian school to establish an Architecture program. In 1965, 75 years later the Landscape Architecture program was established. The Architecture and Landscape Architecture programs were later joined by an Urban Design program in 1998 and Visual Studies program in 2013. Together all four programs now form the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design.
The TSAs involvement in shaping architectural education in Toronto was not only through their influence on the curriculum in the early years but also through financially supporting the school’s yearly Lecture Series, study abroad programs and student awards. Within the archive’s records are letters of correspondence between the school and the TSA, along with many other documents regarding student awards and students’ thank you letters to the TSA. With the TSAs support, the school’s yearly Lecture Series was able to attracted important architects, historians and theoreticians. The Lecture Series still continues today and is attended by many while benefiting people both in and out of the architecture community.
History Gallery
Architecture time table from 1891-1892. Retrieved from the University of Toronto.

University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering class of 1928. Retrieved from the Toronto Archives.

Photo of the School of Practical Science (Little Red Schoolhouse), 1958. Retrieved from the Toronto Archives.

Architecture timetable 1961-1962. Retrieved from the University of Toronto.

Thank you letters to the TSA, “Dear Sir, I wish to express my gratitude upon being awarded the OAA chapter — Toronto society of Architects Prize. Im honored and surprised upon receiving this award at the end of first year. I am still new to the trade, but enjoyed the first year immensely. Summer place is an abstract theme, and I know that it will follow me throughout the years, and that I will redesign it many times. Thank you once again for the honour of the prize, and the encouragement which it incites. Yours truly, Susan Reed.” July 11th, 1979. Retrieved from the Toronto Archives.

Lecture Series guest lecturers in the fall of 1980. Retrieved from the Toronto Archives.