Urban Affairs Forum | Shaping Public Spaces: Community Engagement

When it comes to public projects—whether that be municipal, provincial or federal— accountability to the public must be a pre-eminent priority. After all, public projects do not belong to any particular government, but to the citizens they are meant to serve. 

In Ontario, as in many other places across North America, this accountability often takes the shape of public consultations. The value of these sessions can be immense, providing opportunities throughout design and approvals to incorporate feedback, answer questions, and address community priorities. However, not all consultations result in effective engagement. When accountability is not baked into the process, these sessions can become purely procedural, with little to no impact on a design’s evolution. Equally as detrimental, when weighed too heavily towards one group, they can result in echo chambers that do not represent the wider voices of the community.

So how do we ensure the public engagement process is truly meaningful, effective, and democratic? Are there ways we can shape the process to ensure it becomes a true dialog between the community, designers, and government? 

Join us for an evening of discussion and debate as we explore the important role community engagement plays in shaping public projects and what we can do to ensure this process is effective and meaningful.

Learn more about our amazing lineup of speakers below.



OAA MEMBERS: This event is eligible for 1.5 Structured ConEd. When registering, please include your full name as registered with the OAA to ensure your certificate of participation is credited properly. Please also include an email address you check frequently to ensure you receive our certificate in a timely manner.


This event is being held as part of the Design TO Festival 2024.

Get Tickets

When Tuesday, January 23, 2024
7:00 - 8:30 PM (Doors Open 6:30 PM)

Where Auditorium, Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor St Toronto, ON



Eladia Smoke
Principal Architect
Smoke Architecture Inc.
Daniel Fusca
Manager of Public Consultation
City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Division
Zahra Ebrahim
Elsa Lam
Canadian Architect