Unpacking Multiplexes

Join an exciting evening where panelists dive into the world of multiplexing. There are an exciting lineup of expert panels that will be going through the Contemplation and Execution phases of a multiplex project. Following the panel discussion there will be a networking mixer.


Why Attend

  • Hear from industry leaders in the multiplexing world
  • Learn best practices on how to approach your project
  • Connect with likeminded individuals in Toronto’s real estate community

Expert Panels will be moderated by Daniel Foch and Nick Hill


Panel 1: Contemplation

  • Architecture (Rehousing) – What can I build on my lot?
  • Planning (Greg Uens) – How do I get permits?
  • Financing (Vince Gaetano) – What are my financing options?


Panel 2: Execution

  • Design (Rohan Walters) – What is the design process?
  • Contracting (Andrew Duffy) – How long does it take to build?
  • Real Estate – What are the legalities behind multiplex leasing?

More Info

When Thu, Aug 22, 2024 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT

Where John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, 1 Spadina Crescent Toronto, ON M5S 2J5

Cost Early Bird: $52.65, General Admission: $73.10

Host The Canadian Real Estate Investor Podcast
