Infrastructure Institute: +(Plus) 2.0 Exhibition Tours

About the Tours

Following the success of our DesignTO Festival 2023 installation, the Infrastructure Institute will be showcasing our exhibition +(plus) 2.0: Imagining the future of city-building together through creative mixed-use at the Collision Gallery from August to September 2023.

Come discover +(plus) 2.0! Join our free guided tours to explore captivating storytelling and conceptual models that envision the future of city building through creative mixed-use design. Together we’ll uncover new possibilities for community-building, and reimagine how our neighbourhoods can be centred on care and collaboration. Don’t miss out!


About +(plus) 2.0

+(plus) 2.0 continues to explore Toronto as a leader in the design and implementation of mixed-use buildings, demonstrating how our cities overall can centre around care and mutual aid in partnerships.

Drawing from ideas generated through the public’s participation in +(plus) 1.0, our newest exhibition seeks to answer the question “What if ?”. +(plus) 2.0 explores the full breadth of possibilities for community-building that emerge from mixing improbable uses together; questions the current systems that maintain the ‘status quo’ in architecture/urban planning; and encourages us all to reimagine not only what our neighbourhoods look like, but ultimately who our cities are for.

More Info

When Sat, Aug 26, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Where Collision Gallery 30 Wellington Street West #Unit G114 Toronto, ON M5L 1G4
