DesignMeets: Life-Centered Design for Urban Environments
Life-Centred Design is an evolving design approach that goes beyond human-centred design by embracing the impact of the environmental and social dimensions of all life on Earth. It sets out to restore the balance between technology, human society, and the integrity of the natural world. LCD approaches design holistically, considering the footprint of all stakeholders as we question our reliance on human-centred design) and the wisdom of putting people over the needs of all of our natural systems. LCD principles establish inclusivity, longevity, and symbiosis with nature as the fundamentals of design and achieving a sustainable future.
When Fri, Sep 29, 2023 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Where George Brown College, Daniels Campus 3 Lower Jarvis Street Room 240 Toronto, ON M5A 3Y5
Cost From $19.56