Charity Art Sale for Denison Avenue by Daniel Innes and Christina Wong

Denison Avenue by Christina Wong and Daniel Innes (2023, ECW) is a moving story about aging in place, grief, and vulnerable Chinese Canadian elders set in Toronto’s gentrifying Kensington Market and Chinatown, told in illustration and fiction.

Artist Daniel Innes and The Beguiling have graciously donated sales of 80 pages of the book’s original artwork (priced $300-$800) to benefit Fort York Food Bank.

Visit the Denison Avenue charity art show in-store at The Beguiling March 1-31.

The pages will be available to purchase in store (March 1st) and online (March 4th).

When March 1 - 31. 11:00AM - 7:00PM Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat. 11:00AM - 9:00PM Wed, Fri, Sun.

Where The Beguiling Books & Art, 319 College Street, TORONTO, Ontario M5T1S2

Cost Priced $300 - $800
