Better Buildings Boot Camp

The Better Buildings Boot Camp is a one week, online summer program held virtually online using Zoom. Sessions and activities will be held from Monday – Friday, June 19th – 23rd, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The Boot Camp will consist of live webinar plenary sessions facilitated by professional and/or academic experts on topics relevant to the week’s project: a deep energy retrofit of the Assiniboine Graduate Student residence at York University, with the goal of achieving net positive human and environmental outcomes. The sessions will contain a variety of individual and panel style discussions and will be interactive through the use of surveys, polls, chat, and contain links to additional information.

Students will be divided into cross-institutional and multi-disciplinary groups, and participate daily in on-line collaborative group discussions and activities, allowing students to engage directly with each other to determine their group’s recommendations for the building. On Thursday, June 22nd, students will observe the actual professional workshop with the building project team, and students will present their own recommendations and ideas to the project team on Friday, June 23rd.



More Info

When Monday - Friday, June 19th - 23rd, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Where Virtual via Zoom

Program Sponsor
